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Message in a bottle
- gillesF78
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Plastic Oceans International presents a film by director Eelke Dekker and featuring Merijn Tinga, better known as the The Plastic Soup Surfer. Tinga wants to be the first surfer to cross the North Sea on a ‘kitefoil-board’ - covering a distance of 180 kilometers across open sea, from The Netherlands to England, all to raise awareness for a bottle deposit program in his country.
To raise the stakes, he makes himself a surfboard from discarded plastic bottles - the same bottles that he wants that deposit fee on, to stop them from polluting the waterways and the sea. This record-breaking surf across the North Sea is the start to a national campaign and the greater fight against the soda companies and supermarkets.
In ‘Message on a bottle’ one man takes on the sea in a mission to protect it.
Director: Eelke Dekker
Plastic Oceans International is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization, organized and existing under the laws of California (US Federal Tax ID #81-3778043).
Région Grenobloise, GillesF78
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- laurent.a
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- albator83
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Car outre les microbes/bactéries qui s'accumulent au fil des semaines, le plastique des bouteilles jetables finit par contaminer leur contenu et n'est pas fait pour être conservé/réutilisé (contrairement à un bidon de vélo, enfin... je crois et j'espère).
Bref, autant utiliser un récipient en verre ou métal fait pour d'entrée de jeu :-)
PS : j'apprécie également beaucoup Sting and The Police
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- Christoph3
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